Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Whirlweekend in Long Beach, CA

Top left: reflection of the Queen Mary (floating museum/hotel/tourist attraction extraordinaire! Even some interesting facts -- Queen Mary vs. Titanic); Top right: self portrait, Eric and I (no, I don't normally have pointy ears on top of my head; Bot. left: tiled fountain & pond in the Naples neighborhood of LB; Bot. right: view of the bay near Naples.

I went to college in Long Beach, CA and lived there for nearly 8 years. I try to make it back down to visit friends at least a couple of times per year, though that seems more and more difficult to do as the years go by. Usually, those are just very hurried trips, without a lot of sightseeing. So, since we had an unfilled afternoon, I tried to take advantage of it and get in a bit of photography along the way.